Trust Planning

Asset Privacy and Protection

We don’t live in the society of the ‘50s or ’60s anymore. In today’s society, asset predators do whatever they have to do to take what you have.

Every day, all across the country, the lives of honest, hard-working citizens are being devastated as the result of frivolous and deep-pocket lawsuits, skyrocketing medical costs, probate, estate taxes, identity theft, and nursing home spend-down. These are only a few of the many situations responsible for financial devastation. The bottom line is that citizens are losing everything they’ve worked hard to accumulate; they are losing everything they own.

Your life is an open book. For a small fee, and within a few hours, an asset investigator can learn a great deal about the material aspects of your life – marital status, income, social security number, real property you own, bank accounts (personal and business), vehicles you own, credit cards, phone numbers (even unlisted), investments, businesses you own, and much, much more.

A private contract in a trust strategy provides Americans from all walks of life with personal asset privacy and asset protection unlike any other program available today. The function of this program is to protect a client’s personal assets from lawsuits, creditors, liens, seizures, nursing home spend-down, and other financially devastating events. A good trust strategy can avoid probate and the federal estate or death tax, allowing you to transfer assets free of probate and unnecessary costs and taxes.

Although it is the most powerful asset privacy and protection program in the country today, the program is extremely simple to manage and operate. It easily blends into your present lifestyle.

To learn more about how your private trust strategy can benefit you and your family business, farm or ranch, you can contact us to request your complementary question-and-answer report on trust strategies. Order your trust program and experience the peace of mind that comes with asset protection and privacy.

What is a private contract trust?

— Asset Protection —
A Private Contract in a Trust is a Trust in the form of a Contract for the benefit of a third party, known as the beneficiary or certificate holder. If you setup a private contract trust with somebody (or entity) you have just created a federal document aka UCC Contract Trust, which is not subject to subpoena, or review. Anything statutory (state or federal) is always linked to the creator. The secret is according to Article 1 > Section 10 of the Constitution, no state shall pass any law in the United States of America to impair any Obligation of Contract, a Contractual Obligation. Meaning if you put your wishes down under a business of a Contractual Obligation it is protected by the Constitution, which was original setup under treaty.
At some point in the near future you will need to think about taking everything out of your name and placing your property, i.e. life insurance, annuities, certificate of deposits’, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, rental property, house, and vehicles etc., into a Trust, whereby you are the trustee of the Trust. For the last couple hundred years or so most bankers, politicians, presidents, the queen, attorneys, and corporations (basically power elite rulers and corporate structure etc.), have each learned to have nothing in their name, as owners of their asset, and, as a rule of thumb, will not EVER have anything in their name. All the property they thus CONTROL will be in Trusts. You need to start thinking in terms of owning nothing in your own name, but controlling everything in a Private Contract Trust!
Have you ever wondered why the Super Wealthy, are seldom sued? The answer is simple, their estates are totally protected! Fortunately, you, your family, your profession, and your business, can achieve this very same level of total asset privacy and protection.


The key to this system is giving up ownership but retaining control. For example, most people don’t believe they really own something unless they retain title to it in their own name. The Rockefellers know this is a big mistake. Often it is better to have your assets owned by a trust or a foundation – which you control – than to have them in your own name.
~ The Rockefeller File by Gary Allen (1976)

In our society today you can lose everything you own, INSTANTLY and WITHOUT WARNING! Every day, all across the United States and Canada people just like you and me are LOSING EVERYTHING THEY OWN! Personal Assets, Professional Assets, Business Assets. A legal or tax agency attack can cost you everything. These attacks can be costly. Lawyers charge up to $500 an hour.

Do you think you are in control of your life?

Ask yourself this very important question. Do you think you have ASSET PRIVACY? If you think you do…THINK AGAIN! YOUR LIFE IS AN OPEN BOOK!
Within a few hours, and for a small fee, an Asset Investigator or Private Investigator, can learn a great deal about your life, including, but not limited to… Marital status…income…social security number…any rental property…real property you own…bank accounts…vehicles you own…credit cards…phone numbers…investments…businesses you own…and much, much more. WITHIN 72 HOURS, OR LESS, MOST OF YOUR ASSETS CAN BE EXPOSED! Once your assets have been exposed…they can be taken from you, a POINT OF NO RETURN! Fortunately… There is a way to provide you, your family, your profession, and your business with TOTAL ASSET PRIVACY!

Ask yourself this very important question. Do you think you have ASSET PROTECTION? If you think you do…THINK AGAIN!

Ways that your assets can be taken from you:


  • Legitimate lawsuits…you are sued for a LEGITIMATE REASON…you can lose everything!
  • Frivolous lawsuits…you are sued for a FRIVOLOUS REASON…you can lose everything!
  • Deep-pocket lawsuits…you are sued for a CONTRIVED REASON…you can lose everything!

Lawsuits are the #2 method of acquiring wealth today! Assets taken by the courts, from the lawful owners, and given to someone else! And in many cases the rightful owners have done nothing wrong! The most unfortunate part… THEY DIDN’T HAVE TO LOSE A SINGLE ASSET!

Catastrophic Medical Situation

  • Heart attack, stroke, cancer, Alzheimer’s, Long Term Care costs in a nursing home, etc..Medical debt is the #1 cause of bankruptcy and home and rental foreclosure!

Unexpected Accident

  • Automobile accident, accident on your property, work injury, etc.

Identity Theft

  • Can cost you thousands of dollars to prove your innocence, and still result in bankruptcy.

Nursing Home Spend Down

  • Leaves individuals and/or families with minimal cash and assets.

Business Failure

  • Loss of business cash and assets…and many times, personal cash and assets as well.


  • Attorney fees, court cost, assets sold to pay the debts and tax obligations of the deceased.

IRS/CRA/Government Liens and Seizures

  • Out of control.

Federal Estate Tax

  • It is a death tax that your family and business can avoid. Too many businesses, farms and ranches are lost when the family is forced to sell off assets to pay this unfair tax.

The truth is, most people today are one lawsuit… one heart attack… one car accident away from losing everything they own. Please, don’t be among those naïve individuals who foolishly believe “IT WON’T HAPPEN TO ME!” THE ODDS ARE OVERWHELMING THAT “IT WILL HAPPEN TO YOU!” It’s not a question of IF something will happen… It’s only a question of WHAT will happen… WHEN will it happen… and HOW BAD will it be!

A short lesson in reality

SOME PEOPLE WANT TO TAKE WHAT YOU OWN and redistribute it to someone else!

THE GOOD NEWS IS, there is a SOLUTION; there is a way that you, your family, individuals, professionals, and your business, can have TOTAL ASSET PRIVACY, TOTAL ASSET PROTECTION, IMPENETRABLE ASSET PROTECTION. It all starts by creating a Comprehensive Estate Plan first!

Creating a Comprehensive Plan to protect your assets from Judgment Creditors and avoiding probate and the estate tax, by Retitling Accounts, and Updating Beneficiaries. Asset protection means keeping your property safe from being taken by someone who wins a lawsuit against you. This can range from a lawsuit related to a negligent act that you performed, such as causing a car accident, to a lawsuit related to the foreclosure of property for which you have stopped paying the mortgage. How is protecting your assets from lawsuits achieved? Through the process of asset protection planning, which means taking assets that are subject to creditors’ claims, called nonexempt assets (such as bankruptcy), and repositioning them to be assets that are out of the reach of creditors’ claims, called exempt assets (such as trusts).

Asset protection planning cannot be started when a judgment creditor is already on the horizon. Why? Because each state has laws that protect a judgment creditor against people who transfer their assets out of their names with the intent to hinder, delay, or defraud a creditor. In these situations, a court will see right through these “fraudulent” transfers and simply order that the transfers be reversed and the assets turned over to pay off the creditor. Instead, asset protection planning must be started long before there is any sign of a lawsuit.
Aside from this, in order to put together a comprehensive asset protection plan you will need to integrate two important goals: 1) Your short term and long term financial goals, and 2) Your estate planning goals.

In examining your short term and long term financial goals, you will learn about your current and future sources of income, how much money, after tax, you will need to retire, and how much will be left over to pass on to your heirs (or successors or assigns) through your estate plan after you die. This will then lead you to a detailed financial plan. Once your financial goals have been examined and your financial plan is in place, you can review your current assets to determine if they are exempt from creditors, and, if they are not, then reposition them to become exempt. A financial plan will also allow you to plan for positioning assets that you intend to acquire in the future to be protected from potential creditors.

Asset Protection and Your Estate Planning Goals

Once you have your financial plan in place, you will know your current net worth and how much wealth you can expect to accumulate in the future. From this information you will be able to create a comprehensive estate plan. This plan will address issues such as who will take care of you and your assets if you become mentally incapacitated, who will take care of your minor children if you die unexpectedly, and who will manage your assets and take care of your spouse or other family members after you die. Your estate plan can also encompass asset protection planning through the use of advanced estate planning techniques such as family limited liability companies and irrevocable trusts for you, your spouse, and your children or other beneficiaries.

Financial Planning and Estate Planning Result in Asset Protection

Once you have integrated your financial goals with your estate planning goals and positioned or repositioned your assets to be protected from creditors, you will have a comprehensive asset protection plan in place. Then, if a creditor holding a judgment against you does show up at your front door, you will be in a better position to negotiate a quick settlement for pennies on the dollar instead of having all of your hard earned money on the table.

Do Not Start Asset Protection Planning After Its Too Late

As I warned above, however, if you try to start asset protection planning after a lawsuit has been filed against you, or even if before the lawsuit is filed you anticipate it being filed, then you will be exposing any asset protection planning that you attempt to do to attacks and reversal by a judge or jury. Unfortunately too many people are learning far too late that asset protection planning is also long term planning, not something that can be done as a quick or temporary fix.

By contacting, the Ministries, we can assist you, and your family in estate planning to help you protect your assets, by setting up Total Asset Privacy, Total Asset Protection, and Impenetrable Asset Protection. You can request Frequently asked Questions about Contract Trusts vs. Living Trusts.

Title in allodium or land patent

You do not own your house and land. You are a tenant. A renter. An essential part of any homeowner’s Action Plan is to ensure that one actually owns the land or claims upon which the house (property) sits on. Since you as the homeowner were issued a Grant Deed (or a warranty deed/quitclaim deed), you have a legal right to the land. Yet, this legal right isn’t inherent through the purchase of the home (property) as one might expect. Not even the average realtor may actually know this fact. There are steps that you can take to properly correct your Grant Deed for the record from being a Tenant.

What you are about to learn next, very few people are even aware of, and this information has been kept from the general public (American people “we the people”) for obvious reasons. Neither the State nor the Government has widely educated the consumers, as home owners, to claim their land, thus becoming a Land Owner, and having Mineral and Commodity rights to the land. Yes, you have a right to claim the land your property sits on. The process is called the Public Land Claim (PLC). The States and Government have already claimed the parcels of land that they wanted to reserve or claim.

As a Property Owner and Claimant, consider preserving your rights by claiming ownership to the land as well as the property. It is very important to remember through the Series of Laws that you can claim ownership rights through Estates in Land, which covers e.g. allodial title, fee simple, and holding title in defeasible estate. What I am talking about is the existing federal the land patent, a patent that once issued is

the highest evidence of title, and is a final determination of the existence of all facts.
See Walton vs. United States, 415 F. 876 (1917). Additionally, as other case law has established, the land patent is
muniment [evidence] of title, such title being absolute in its nature, making the sovereigns absolute freeholders on their land,
See McConnell vs. Wilcox, 1 Scam. (III.) 381, 396 (1837), and establishes that the
right to the ownership of property and to contract with respect of its use is unalienable.
See Golding vs. Schubac, 93 U.S. 32: Saville vs. Corless, 46 U.S. 495.

Historically, the government of United States of America staked claims to land via the Northwest Ordinance (1787), the Louisiana Purchase (1803), and the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (1848). Then, land patents/land grants were generally issued by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), an agency within the US Department of the Interior, starting in the early 1800’s through as late as 1965, leading to the Oklahoma land race and other legislation (such as the Homestead Act of 1862) allowing a settlor, the people (consumers) to stake their own claims to land, thus establishing precedence for/to the Public Land Claim (PLC).

The federal the land patents were granted by the United States of America via congressional act or treaty that supports the transfer of land from the United States government to private owners, stare decisis. The patent alone passes land from the United States to the grantee/assignee and nothing passes a perfect title to public lands but a patent. Land Patents are not issued any more by the United States. There is a clause, however, contained in most if not all Land Patent Documents that this patent is granted to the original party (patentee) as well as to their heirs and assigns, forever. While we may have never inherited land, we can most certainly be assigned a claim to the land through a clause in the land patent itself. All original land patents general issued to land claim owners, each was signed by the president of the United States of America, contained this clause, by the president signing these land grants/land patents ties the patents to, and thus becomes in accordance with the Supremacy Clause > Article VI > Clause 2 of the United States Constitution.

The Supremacy Clause establishes that the U.S. Constitution, Federal Statutes, and U.S. Treaties as

the supreme law of the land.
The text decrees these to be the highest forms of law in the U.S. legal system and mandates that all state judges must follow federal law when a conflict arises between federal law and either the state constitution or state law of any state. In order to facilitate, govern, and regulate, the federal government set up the Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management (BLM). According to BLM records, the federal land patents have been assigned for automation, which means the land patents have become perpetual.

Since land patents were originally issued via land grants, nearly all conveyances of title were done by the use of deeds, like grant deeds, quit claim deeds and warranty deeds, even deeds of land. However, the money lenders (changers) found a way around land patents, through FDR’s New Deal by creating new paper instruments (negotiable debt instruments) e.g. deeds of trust/mortgages/notes, all of which convey equitable interests, getting the American people (we the people) into a perpetual mortgage (dead pledge) systems, since 1933. Go back and reread the historical history context for detail.

What the American people (we the people) were not consciously aware of was that 1931 was the second round, since 1929, of the economic collapse of the money system. They bled the American people (we the people) out for four years. The American people were so desperate and in need by 1933 that there was no awareness of what was really happening. The New Deal, HJR 192, through this New-reorganization, took the American people as collateral, and they also took the land, under HR 1491, passed March 9, 1933 and known as the Bank Conservation Act. They took the land and collateralized it against the debt. Through the New Deal, the United States went into Receivership to the International Bankers (IMF), through the Federal Reserve, with The Secretary of the Treasury (as trustee) and as the Book Keeper (e.g., IMF Secured Party representative). The American people took to the New Deal, because they were so desperate to change, without really examining what was being passed, so consequently, the New Deal became a way of life, even to this day.

However, the land patent remains current and the highest title of law, and few consumers (we the people) have claimed the existing federal land patent forever clause. Where a land patent exists, no lien or mortgage could be ever placed on the land.

Retaining ownership of land despite a property foreclosure, charging fees for land usage, reserving your rights to mineral/commodities are a few of the many benefits when claiming the land through the original existing federal land patent, but again, there are proper procedures to follow in order to properly claim the original, existing federal land patent for the land of the property one owns. I want to caution you, though, there are many individuals, proponents, antagonists, and organizations, and websites rampant online claiming to know how to file claims under the “forever” clause. These same entities often make inaccurate promises and claims relating to land patents.

Property Def – Ballentine’s Law Dictionary 3rd Ed

In a popular sense, a chattel or tract of land (UCC). 42 Am J1st Prop § 3. Inclusive of both real estate and personalty. Anno: 115 ALR 553; 57 Am J1st Wills § 1338. Inclusive of both tangibles and intangibles; that which is corporeal and that which is incorporeal. Bouse v Hutzler, 180 Md 682, 26 A2d 767, 141 ALR 843. Strictly, that dominion or indefinite right of user, control, and disposition which one may lawfully exercise over particular things or objects. 42 Am J1st Prop § 2. The right and interest which a man has in lands and chattels (UCC) to the exclusion of others. Ralston Steel Car Co. v Ralston, 112 Ohio St 306, 147 NE 513, 39 ALR

334. The right of a person to possess, use, enjoy, and dispose of a thing. Willcox v Penn Mut. Life Ins. Co. 357 Pa 581, 55 A2d 521, 174 ALR 220. The free use, enjoyment, and disposal of a person’s acquisitions (1099-A) without control or diminution save by the law of the land. Department of Financial Institutions v General Finance Corp. 227 Ind 373, 86 NE2d 444, 10 ALR2d 436. Not the material object itself, but the right and interest or domination rightfully obtained over such object, with the unrestricted right to its use, enjoyment, and disposition. Howlett v Doglio, 42 Ill 311, 82 NE2d 708, 6 ALR2d 790; Akron v Chapman, 160 Ohio St 382, 116 NE2d 697, 42 ALR2d 1140. A species of title, inchoate or complete, legal or equitable, embracing rights which lie in contract, executory or executed. Smith v United States (US) 10 Pet 326, 9 L Ed 442.

As the term is used in the guarantee of the Fourteenth Amendment:–the right to acquire, possess, and enjoy particular things and objects in any way consistent with the equal rights of others and the just exactions and demands of the state. Wright v Hart, 182 NY 330, 75 NE 404 Ives v South Buffalo R. Co. 201 NY 271, 94 NE 431; all valuable interests which a man may possess outside of himself–outside of his life and liberty–being more than that which a person owns. 16 Am J2d Const L § 364. As the term appears fit constitutional provisions respecting taking of property:–a word of most general import, extending to every species of right and interest, capable of being enjoyed its such, upon which it is practicable to place a money value. 26 Am J2d Em D § 173.

Finally, here is California Penal Code Section 484(a). “Every person who shall feloniously steal, take, carry, lead or drive away the personal property of another, or who shall fraudulently appropriate property which has been entrusted to him, who shall knowingly and designedly, by any false or fraudulent representation or pretense, defraud any other person of money, labor or real or personal property, or who causes or procures others to report falsely of his wealth or mercantile character and by thus imposing upon any person, obtains credit and thereby fraudulently gets or obtains possession of money, or property or obtains the labor or service of another, is guilty of theft.”
You can then prepare an Actual and Constructive Notice stating, in part, As the Secured Party I have perfected the Possessory Lien (Mechanic’s Line or Claim of Lien) which is duly recorded in the records of the County.